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The best brains of the Nation may be found in the last benches of the classroom.

-- APJ Abdul Kalam

Welcome! 😄

Hello there! The quote above is a major metaphor for many Indians and other people alike. Many people are often underestimated because either of their unability to learn properly, or any other disablities, both mentally and physically. For example, Albert Einstein had always confused his teachers with questions like 'Why does this happen?', 'Why does it happen only the way it is? Why not another way?', which in turn made the teachers angry at him because of his constant curiosity. Nobody knew his true potetial and intelligence level at the time, and they never expected him to make a career in his life. But he grew up and became a great mathmatician and is known all around the world with his famous Theory of Reletivity, and the formula E = mc2.
This is myself!!

About me!

Hobbies: Playing cricket, reading books, Digital drawing, Programming in various languages like CSS, HTML, Python, and JavaScript, Playing Badminton.

Hello there! The name's Vishvajit M. Chandorkar. I come from Mumbai, Maharastra. I am currently studying in 8th grade, in Indian School Sohar. I'm 12 years old, and I love to learn new stuff and general knowledge because I strongly believe that at a younger age, children can grasp knowledge much faster than adults. Achievements listed below. I've completed seven levels of Abacus, have finished 3 Python and HTML courses, and currently learning Stop-Motion Animation.

Always remember: Learn, Teach and Inspire.

Website last updated on 9th July, 2022.